Monday, March 5, 2012

Weighing in, setting goals, tri-ing new things

I feel like I've been stuck and yet not for about a year.

I wanted to weigh less than 200 pounds for last year's Shamrock Shuffle. As it turned out, I wasn't able to run the Shuffle ... and I also never did reach my goal. So today when I got on the scale and it read 205, I thought to myself ... I can do this.

The Shamrock Shuffle this year is on March 25. That's 20 days from today, or a little over two weeks. It will mean a whole lot of discipline, but I think I can do it. Or I can at least come close. So I'm gonna try.

As of this morning, I'm back to tracking my food and exercise, and my miles. I missed a few days in my running/walking streak (which depressed the hell out of me) so I kinda derailed myself, emotionally. I'm gonna let that go, and just move forward. Fitness is not an all-or-nothing proposition; it's not about getting it "right" all the time, it's about doing better, whenever you can.

Not gonna lie ... coming back from the Princess Half was a little soul-jarring. After a weekend of truly feeling like a princess, and eating anything I wanted, coming back was hard. Re-entry is always tough after a perfect break from reality, but this was something else entirely. After reaching such a monumental goal, what was left?

The half was always my end game. I would get there, and then be satisfied. I would finish, and then I'd stop. But that's not where my heart is. Now, it's about improving. It's about next year. It's about the next 40 years. And it's a little goose-bumpy. Having let go of the let down, I got back to the gym this weekend. I ran and lifted weights, and I swam. It felt good. It felt ... endorphin-y. So today, in celebration of my newfound commitment, I registered for two more events: a 5K and my first triathlon.

Yeah. I said that out loud. A tri.

April 21, I'm doing the Indoor Tri at Lifetime Fitness in Orland Park. I might die during the swim portion, but what the hell ... it'll be fun.

So, ever forward we go. Out of my post-princess funk, and into whatever my fitness future brings.

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