Not a good runner. Not a consistent runner. But a runner.
I suppose it began when work-friend Michael challenged me to be his partner in the Muddy Buddy relay. Easy enough; half of it was biking, and the running parts? Well, I could (and did) walk most of those. But then other opportunities arose; opportunities to run. And I did it.
Today was the Hot Chocolate 5k and 15 k in the beautiful city of Chicago. I ran the 5k, along with several amazing friends. My friends Diane and Simone, and my sister Kathie, ran the 15k. We're runners. Did you know that?
We took off from Grant park, and my friend Justin - who was starting with me - quickly became a blur. I was on my own, running through the most beautiful lakefront, surrounded by like-minded awesomeness. I felt completely free, comfortable in my body, and capable. And I thought, well this is new.
See, this never would have happened back when I was married. There would never have been enough money for me to join a gym, much less indulge myself in races that cost $45. My health was not important enough to be a priority - to me, or to the guy to whom I was married. So I got really good at sitting. I was an expert at Remote Handling. But I wasn't a runner.
Now, I have friends who are runners. I budget to buy new running shoes. I think it's fair to say, I am a vastly different person than a was just a few years ago. I've made good changes.
The inimitable Donna Thomas, in almost every Salsa/Funk class (which I try desperately never to miss) says "look what your body let you do today." And mine - along with some great buddies - allowed me to run. I am so grateful to everyone who has supported me in my running endeavors. Today was magical; look what our bodies let us do!
This is me (center) with Linda Clegg and Dee Morel. I love you guys!
In closing, I have nothing more profound to offer, save for these lyrics from "You Run" by The Call:
So you run and you run and you run
and you never stop
and you work and you work
until you drop
you're in over your head and the pressure just don't quit
but you can't escape the reach of love
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