Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Whole Point

I weighed in today. I didn't lose any weight this week.

But I also didn't gain. This might be a miracle, after the heinous amount of Italian food I ate over the past week. This is cause for celebration.

Over the weekend, I didn't log my food. I know, I know - I lose when I track my calories. But there was so much going on, and so much delicious food, I gave myself a pass. And the thing of it is, in the past, this would have been the end. I would have given myself a pass for a weekend, and it would have been a forever thing. This is different. This is new, and this is how much I've changed.

Once Monday rolled around, I was back to tracking, full force.

I was also back on my regular workout regimen. Walking at lunch, at the gym in the evenings, and I even tried going for a run last night. Never again. It's dark out there, and not very much fun. Sidewalk? Is that the sidewalk? Yeah ... unfun. So running will take place at the gym, on a treadmill, unless there's a good weather day on the weekend.

So, what's the whole point? Eating well, most of the time. Everything in moderation. Doing things that feel good. Dancing, running, walking, lifting weights ... eating chocolate, and copious amounts of Italian food.

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