Sunday, October 24, 2010

Food, Glorious Food

Today was all about food.

When I woke up, I went to the grocery store. I got all the ingredients I'd need for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week. Then it was home to prep apricot chicken in the crockpot for dinner, curry chicken salad to go in wraps for lunch, and make pumpkin muffins for breakfast.

There's something really nice about looking into the refrigerator and see a bunch of delicious, healthy food in there. Here's what dinner ended up looking like:
That's apricot chicken, half a cup of couscous with roasted pine nuts, and romaine with fat free French dressing.

As for the workout, today was a day of rest. Which is a good thing, because yesterday's workout was mighty tough. Strength training with Pam, and spin with Nicole. After which I needed a three-hour nap. Oy!

But at any rate, I am prepared to head into work and begin what will absolutely be a better week than last week. (Of course, that won't take much!) If nothing else, there will be good food to go with whatever comes.

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